Want to know the SEO and URL’S purpose? This is the right place. This article is for those who are new at creating SEO and URLs. Firstly let’s go through its definition. Here we will discuss the SEO-friendly URL.
What is SEO?
In technical words, the definition of SEO is search engine optimization.”That means a process of improving your site and increasing its visibility on the search engine so that people find your website easily at the top of the google search. Through this process when your site is easily visible then you will naturally gain attention and get more traffic.
How SEO works?
Famous search engines like GOOGLE and BING have usually used bots that crawl at different sites to collect the data which is most searched. After that Google made an index of unique information providing websites and later it choose the most relevant and unique material at the top of the google searches. It also denies the sites which took another’s website’s data as a proxy.
What is a URL?
This URL is an important part of the web. It usually comes in HTTPS or with HYpertext language. The full form of URL is a Uniform Resource Locater. It is a kind of address on the web. URL is not always the same. It changes according to the website’s address. These kinds of resources are maybe HTML resources CSS or an image. All these URLs are usually handled by the web.
By using these kinds of URLs you can fill them in the address bar to reach the website directly. Each website contained a unique URL address.
Hope a short but descriptive definition of both URL and SEO has cleared you. Now let’s jump into the main topic:
The Exact way of creating SEO-Friendly URLs:
As we have discussed above, URLs are the most important part of SEO. It has a crucial part to get ranked on the web. The URL has listed on the #46th ranking factors out of 200. Creating a URL is easy but it is a lengthy process. Now, here is the process of creating SEO- friendly URL.
Explain your content
When you create content and at the last stage you are supposed to explain the most important keyphrase of your content into the slug. This has only a place, where your content address has created and by not adding a keyphrase, your content will not be detected by Google.
Adding popular keywords in the URL
Popular keywords are the most important part of the content as well as for URLs. Because Google has a tremendous bots technology through which it senses the words which are in most demand. For this, there are many apps to choose keywords that have high competition in the market. So, always choose the high demanded keywords in the content and most importantly in the URLs.
Usage of Hyphens (-) at the place of Underscore (_)
Always there has a particular way of writing URLs as it recommended which you can’t be supposed to use Hyphens (-) at the place of Underscore (_) because underscore shows the space which google cannot read, Whereas by using hyphens, Google can take it as one word which has actually a right way to write an URL.
Always use lowercase letters in the URLs
Using capital letters in the URLs has prohibited because URLs only pick the lowercase letters which means it’s the right way. If the upper case has used then indicated as a duplicate URL which results in a loss in the rank at Google.
Create short URLs
Always try to create a short and specific URL. Because a short URL can be easy which could be read by Google’s spider. Few words will get attention which benefits you. On the other hand, Repeating words in the URL will lead the site down in the ranking.
Usage of static URL
It would be better to use non-changeable and static URLs. All the URLs should be constant and non-changeable whenever you load the page. Stop using over Parameters like (&), (=),(?). Make it simple and secure.
Take care with Subdomains
It is essential to see that search engines have the ability to take subdomain as another party. This can affect the rating and specifications of SEO and link building along with trust value. It would be better to use Subfolders.
Get aware of updates in the SEO by Google.
It is very important to keep an eye on the updates of SEO rules and regulations as it is an important aspect. Hence, there are some credentials that need to be followed to create an SEO-Friendly URL. Create your URLs always in a systematic way.
For more details visit the Website IWEBCODE.