10 Best Tips of React Native to Help You Build A Better Project in 2021

Best Tips To build a React Native Project in 2021

React Native is also known as RN. It is a famous JavaScript-based mobile app framework that lets you make natively rendered mobile apps for iOS and Android. This framework allows you to design an application for various platforms by using the same code base. It is developed by Facebook for creating native-style apps for iOS, Android under one common language, JavaScript. React native is a big community along with the latest technology. If we talk about its future demand then it is pretty good to say that it is itself future. Choosing react-native would be the best choice for your next app development.

In brief, the Demand for React Native is going to rise in the near future. Along with Facebook it also supports a plethora of developers. A survey has been done in 2019 by Stack overflow developer in which it is said that the percentage of React native is raised to 62.5%. It is the most loved framework for app development. For using React native, it would be better to hire a React Native app developer instead of creating it. The knowledge of these apps are essential:

  • JavaScript
  • Platform APIs
  • Design patterns

On the other hand, Remote React Native developers can their own components and dive into the community to use.

Let’s talk about how to build great projects with React native in 2021:

There are 10 types of tips that help to build projects with React native in 2021. Before moving to the main point of it, It is recommended to hire a react native company for your projects. As they not only handle your precious projects but also study all the vital parts of them.

1. Keep the parts to the point and small

With React Native, a List of the components can be long enough which produces big tasks. The best way to design the parts is to keep them small so, that each component should be created by uniqueness. Specification of each component should be Unique.  When a designed component is in continuous use then there is no need to create another same component. In a perfect world, every part should deliver just a particular bit of the application page or alter a solitary capacity. The segments ought to be reused across various activities. The way that it is simpler to keep up with little parts while greater segments are hard to oversee ought to be surely known by the React Native application improvement organization.

2. Reusability is the Key 

At the point when every part is answerable for a solitary capacity, its ease of use factor improves. This permits the engineer to skip constructing another part each an ideal opportunity for a similar capacity, and accordingly save time. It additionally permits better consistency among ventures and assists the designer with contributing to the bigger React Native people group. In addition, the segments ought to be succinct and straightforward, and not massive or complex to help better turn events. 

3. Keep away from Duplicate Codes 

The main standard of the thumb is to guarantee that the codes are brief and compact. The code ought to be investigated in general to keep away from duplication, examples, and likenesses.

4. Remember CSS for JavaScript 

When dealing with any task, keep all the CSS styles in a solitary SCSS document. By picking a worldwide prefix, the engineer can forestall any potential name impact. Be that as it may, this arrangement probably won’t work when the venture is scaled. It is also recommended to hire a react native company who not only helped you in your important project but also examine all the important parts of it.

5. Be careful of Where You Leave Comments 

Engineers should avoid leaving a remark for each line of code and add them just where totally vital and where they can increase the value of the whole code. This training helps keep the code mess-free and evades likely clash among remark and code. 

6. Name of the Component Should be according to the Function 

The name of the segment ought to be identified with the capacity that it is executing as that makes it effectively unmistakable for the designer local area. This makes the part simple to find too. 

7. Utilize Capital Letters for Component Names 

When utilizing JavaScript Extension, the name of the parts should begin with a capitalized letter. Respond forms prior kept a rundown of inherent names that could separate them from custom names. In any case, the rundown turned out to be too long to even think about overseeing, and from that point forward, utilizing capitalized letters turned into the standard. This thus worked on the reusability of the parts. 

8. Be Mindful of Various Naming Conventions

When working with React and utilizing the JSX (JavaScript Extension) records, the employed devoted React Native create ought to make sure to make the segments and name them in Pascal case or upper camel case. In straightforward terms, he ought to make names without spaces and utilize capitalized in the initials of each word. 

9. Records Related to a Particular Component Should All

    Be in a Single Folder

All documents, including styling records that are identified with one segment, ought to be kept together in one organizer. This makes it straightforward the chain of command. The huge segments can be put in one envelope and all their more modest parts can be parted into sub-organizers. This makes it simpler to separate any code from any organizer effectively and change it at the engineer’s comfort. At the point when every one of the records is masterminded reasonably and sensibly, they can be effortlessly gotten to and found even at a later stage. 

10. Adhere to Linting Rules 

Linting is the way toward running a program to break down code for likely blunders. It is typically utilized for keeping away from language-related issues. In any case, it can effectively address different issues too, particularly those with code style. By utilizing this technique and by separating the lines that are too long, the code can be moderately mistaken and sans bug. 


The previously mentioned tips can go far in aiding assembling projects that are without mistake and maintainable for quite a while. The application advancement measure turns out to be quicker and significantly more financially savvy. Furthermore, these tips are particularly for React engineers who are new at React Native advancement to give them a superior grasp on JavaScript, stage APIs, and different versatile plan designs. For more details visit the IWEBCODE.


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