How to Create a Website with Gatsby?


This blog has purposed to be a basic outline of making a site utilizing Gatsby. The site will direct you along in making a site, regardless of whether you don’t think a lot about web improvement. It showed the themes during the instructional exercises, however, here we learn through everything all together and will be pretty much as immediate as could be expected.

What is Gatsby?

It is an open-source structure that uses React.js to produce static sites. What is a static site?

A static site doesn’t progressively change. Dynamic sites render diverse substance relying upon the information it gets. A static site will be conveyed to you as it has put away. Despite the fact that it utilizes Graphql(which is a question language), there is no information base. All things considered, information recovering happens when the application is being worked, from neighborhood documents.

Modules, Themes, Starters

There is a plenitude of modules accessible that add usefulness to your application, for example, Responsive Images, an RSS channel, Google Analytics, and so forth

Its Themes are Plugins that accompanied pre-arranged usefulness, information sourcing, as well as UI code. There are “Starters”, which are site standards that are pre-arranged considering an immediate reason, such as making a portfolio.

Creation and Installation

  1. Install npm for project creation.
  2. Insert project name
  3. After project opening run command in npm develop
  4. Components already created, you have to make folders and files.
  5. The image folder is already in-build in Gatsby.

It is recommended to take only one name as you will start having warnings if you changed the name after some time

On the other hand, at the place of starter, you can use plugins the place of it which are as follows:

  • The transformer-sharp plugin
  • Plugin sharp
  • Gatsby image
  • React Helmet

It is said that all the above plugins can install after creating the project.

The Structure of File

gatsby-starter-default is used to generate all the required actions. Users must see its files in the root directory that contain 3 folders which are as follows:

1. Gatsby-Browser

The record gatsby-program. js allows you to react to Gatsby-explicit occasions inside the program, and envelop your page parts by extra worldwide parts. The Gatsby Browser API gives you numerous alternatives for cooperating with the customer side of Gatsby.

2. Gatsby-Config

The record gatsby-config.js characterizes your site’s metadata, modules, and another general setup. This document ought to be at the foundation of your Gatsby site.

3. Gatsby-Node

The gatsby offers site builders APIS and plugins for your site. It has structured for using nodes when all the data are added to it.

4. Gatsby-SSR

It offers a user to change the material of static HTML because the Server-Side Rendered (SSR) through Node and Gatsby.

Explanation of Images, Components, and Pages

The page folder will follow your “routes”. When you build a file that could be a new page of the project the name of the file will be converted into your URL name.

Whereas a user will find 4 kinds of files like

  • using-typescript.
  • tsx,index.js,
  • 404.js and
  • page-2.js
This Code is important which you will see when you see this inside 
the index.js file

import React from "react"
import { Link } from "gatsby"

import Layout from "../components/layout"
import Image from "../components/image"
import SEO from "../components/seo"

const IndexPage = () => (
    <SEO title="Home" />
    <h1>Hi people</h1>
    <p>Welcome to your new Gatsby site.</p>
    <p>Now go build something great.</p>
    <div style={{ maxWidth: `300px`, marginBottom: `1.45rem` }}>
      <Image />
    <Link to="/page-2/">Go to page 2</Link> <br />
    <Link to="/using-typescript/">Go to "Using TypeScript"</Link>

export default IndexPage

What’s Going on Here?

The index.js document is the record gatsby loads after beginning the worker. The substance of this record is delivered and shipped off the program.

The format is a part of the parts index. In index.js, everything within Layout is contention to the Layout part. That case in which you are doing information recovering, layout.js is the place where you can question the information with Graphql to be displayed in the program.

In the event that you take a gander at the return proclamation, you’ll see this code:

return (
      <Header siteTitle={ || `Title`} />
          margin: `0 auto`,
          maxWidth: 960,
          padding: `0 1.0875rem 1.45rem`,
        <footer style={{
          marginTop: `2rem`
          © {new Date().getFullYear()}, Built with
          {` `}
          <a href="">Gatsby</a>


Everything has wrapped with React Fragments(<></>), and as you can see the JSX addresses the body of the HTML archive. There is a Header, fundamental, and footer. The Header part has to get the information recovered from layout.js.

the principle is containing youngsters, which were passed into Layout as arguments(from index.js). Each contention Layout takes in will turn into a kid component of the fundamental tag.

After Layout, you will see: <SEO title=”Home”/>. Website design enhancement represents Search Engine Optimization. All of your page substances are accessible to internet searcher crawlers on the grounds that it utilizes Server-Side-Rendering.

The SEO part manages the metadata in the head component. It utilizes Graphql to question metadata to put in the head.

At the exceptionally base, you will discover this:

Layout.propTypes = {
  children: PropTypes.node.isRequired,


What is .propTypes ? In React, propTypes manages type checking. Type checking has utilized to guarantee that props contain certain prop types.

The youngster’s prop has to type-checked. PropTypes characterize kinds of information for props. the hub has any worth will delivered on the screen. required guarantees will the kind of information the kid’s prop ought to get has of the hub type.

image.js, header.js

What is Gatsby-Picture? How can it work?

Gatsby-picture works with gatsby-transformer-sharp and gatsby-module sharp. gatsby-source-filesystem interfaces your neighborhood records together so that gatsby-picture can find them in your Graphql questions. gatsby-picture doesn’t need any setup when utilized inside Gatsby.

Gatsby-picture has utilized in image.js to deal with pictures. The Gatsby Image API states:

Gatsby-picture is a React part. It has intended to work with Gatsby’s local picture handling capacities controlled by Graphql and gatsby-module sharp to enhance picture stacking for your site.

Gatsby-picture isn’t a drop-in trade for <img/>. It has streamlined for responsive fixed width/tallness pictures and pictures that stretch the full width of a compartment. There are likewise alternate approaches to work with pictures in Gatsby that don’t need GraphQL.


  • Loads the ideal picture size for every gadget size and screen goal
  • Stands firm on the picture in a strong situation while your page stacks so the components on the screen don’t hop around
  • Show a haze impact on pictures before they will completely stack lazy burdens pictures.

Two kinds of responsive pictures have upheld by gatsby-picture, fixed, and liquid. fixed has for pictures with decent width and stature. The liquid has pictures that stretch across a liquid holder.

In image.js, you will see the return esteem has either expressing the image which wasn’t found or the picture with its predetermined responsive sort.

const Image = () => {
  const data = useStaticQuery(graphql`
    query {
      placeholderImage: file(relativePath: { eq: "gatsby-astronaut.png" }) {
        childImageSharp {
          fluid(maxWidth: 300) {

  if (!data?.placeholderImage?.childImageSharp?.fluid) {
    return <div>Picture not found</div>

As should be obvious, the inquiry and the return determine what kind of picture it will be. You as an engineer will pick which kind it is.

In general, header.js simply holds back what is in the header component. layout.js contains the Header part just like the remainder of the body. Web optimization contains what is in the head. index.js loads SEO and Layout, the head, and the body.

Gatsby.js Documents

In the root catalog of your undertaking, you’ll discover four gatsby.js records.

Gatsby-browser.js is the place where you can react to occasions inside the program and can enclose your site with extra parts.

Gatsby-config.js is the place where you can set the arrangements choices for your site. A few things you can arrange are site metadata(where you can store normal bits of information across pages for reuse), modules, path prefix, Polyfill(Gatsby utilizes the ES6 Promise and not all programs support it, so it incorporates Polyfill as a matter of course), and so forth

The code in gatsby-node.js has run once during the time spent structuring your site. You can utilize it to progressively make pages, add Graphql Nodes, or react to occasions during the form lifecycle.

Gatsby-ssr.js relates with Server-Side-Rendering. SSR is the place where the worker delivers a page, then, at that point, sends it to the program, rather than allowing the program to deliver the page. The document will allow you to adjust the substance of static HTML records while they have delivered by the worker.


Graphql has an inquiry language created by Facebook. It doesn’t collaborate with an information base, it connects with APIs. Inquiries permit you to get all the data you need within a solitary solicitation.

It utilizes Graphql to collaborate with neighborhood documents. This permits you to reuse normal bits of information.

import { useStaticQuery, graphql } from “gatsby”;

There are two sorts of inquiries you can use in it, static and page questions.

useStaticQuery is a React Hook that has utilized to inquiry information with Graphql at construct time. Respond Hooks let you use state and other React highlights without composing a class.

Respond Hooks don’t work inside classes. You can likewise assemble your own snares. Snares let you use state outside of a class. Respond jam the state between re-renders. More on snares here: Hooks Overview

const data = useStaticQuery(graphql`
    query SiteTitleQuery {
      site {
        siteMetadata {

When created with the default starter, it arranges this variable for you in Layout.js. It appoints the question to the variable information. This question executes during assemble time.


It is a Gatsby label that empowers page parts to recover information from a Graphql inquiry. question is the activity type. In Graphql, there are question, change, and membership types. SiteTitleQuery is the name of the question. The name of a user’s question will overlooked, yet it has useful to incorporate with regard to troubleshooting.

<Header siteTitle={ || `Title`} />

The site will be the starting key of the inquiry, it isn’t referring to a key in gatsby-config.js. The information we are requesting from it is a title from site metadata.

In JavaScript, object properties utilizing spot documentation. We can get to the aftereffects of the inquiry with metadata?.title.

Hence, Creating a website in Gatsby is always delivers the best results until users know about it properly

For more details visit the website IWEBCODE.

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